There are different injuries that boxers may face each time they step inside the ring. Some of these injuries are common, while some are rare and may become very serious, leading to permanent damage.
Before engaging in boxing, know all about the injuries, trainers, and reputable promoters such as Probellum.
A good punch from an opponent can cause any one of the eleven injuries:
- Gouging or eye injury
If your opponent’s thumb or finger is inserted deep into your eye socket, it can cause severe injuries to the eyes. Your opponent may try gouging your eyes to get a surrender out of you. The most common types of gouging are performed when both of your eyes are closed. It happens when both the boxers clinch each other, and the referee is not looking at them. Gouging can cause severe injuries to your eyes that may affect you for life, such as damage to the cornea, iris, or retina.
- Broken nose
The nose breakage usually occurs when an opponent’s punch is too powerful or due to a swift punch. It can be excruciating and may also cause swelling on the face, making it difficult to breathe. Generally, broken noses heal very quickly, but severe cases of nose breakage can make breathing even more difficult.
- Black eyes
Some trauma to the eye mainly causes black eyes. The eye can get swollen, blackened, and bruised because of punches by your opponent. Black eyes are not only painful but also leave a lasting impression on anyone who sees you.
- Concussions and brain injury
Concussions occur due to the damage caused to the head due to a punch from an opponent or when a boxer’s head hits the ground after a fall. The injury happens from the brain being shaken within the skull and can even cause temporary unconsciousness. Most boxers recover from concussions in a few minutes or hours without any lasting damage, but severe cases of concussions can lead to permanent brain damage or death.
- Broken nose and jaw
Many boxers new to the game are not aware of how broken severe nose and jaw injuries are. If you are hit on the point of your chin with a powerful punch, it can dislocate or even break your jaw, making it impossible for you to close your mouth. It may cause further damage to your teeth and might even affect your ability to eat correctly.
- Cuts or lacerations to head, face, or throat
Boxers can also get cuts and lacerations on the face and neck if they don’t wear proper protective gear such as gum shields and headgears. These injuries can be caused if an opponent’s glove makes contact with your face. Wearing protective equipment not only protects you from cuts and lacerations but also prevents permanent damage to your eyes.
- Broken bones
Many boxers are injured due to broken bones throughout their boxing career, though most cases go unreported. To protect yourself against serious injuries such as these, you must take up boxing under a qualified coach and work your way up the ladder slowly.
- Injuries to hands
Boxers also face injuries to their hands as a result of punching or from hitting a heavy bag. Repetitive use of the hands can cause severe pain in the joints, leading to permanent damage if not treated on time. A common type is Carpal tunnel syndrome that occurs due to the swelling and inflammation of the transverse carpal ligament, which can affect your grip and cause pain in the palm. This type of injury is also widespread among boxers since it requires a lot of punching.
- Knockouts
The worst-case scenario for any boxer is to get knocked out. But it is not the only type of knockout experienced by boxers. Sometimes you can also get a concussion due to your opponent’s punch, which may even cause temporary unconsciousness and memory loss. If you sustain more than one concussion throughout your career, further damage may occur, such as brain damage or even death.
- Burns
Boxers are also at the risk of getting burned if their opponent or coach uses fire (such as with flammable hand wraps) during practice. It can result in severe burns that may even damage your muscles and bones if not treated immediately. In extreme cases, you may even need skin grafts to recover.
- Brain damage
Sadly, boxers are at the highest risk of brain damage due to repeated trauma to the head during training or in fights. Though concussions can be treated with relative ease throughout your boxing career, multiple concussions may lead to permanent brain damage that reduces your ability to concentrate and grasp things quickly.
In summary, boxing is a risky sport that has the highest risk of injury among all other sports. But, if you are ready to take this risk, always remember to protect yourself by wearing proper safety gear and work your way up through the ranks slowly.
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